Yes… I have finally found someone or somebody who is going to organise me, Yeah!!!
Loco (http://www.loco.ie) is an Irish owned company because let’s face it in the current economy we should support our own and they are so competitively priced its great. They are my one stop Office Supplies and Furniture supplier, they seem to stock everything from a thumb tac to a 20 seat boardroom table.
Finally a user friendly web site that even a technophobe like me can use, I just typed whatever product I was looking for in my case Desk Organiser into their handy search bar and low and behold up came Desk organisers with a handy filter to help me choose a colour etc.. Or go to Office Supplies – Desktop Accessories and start from there.
For once I am going to start the New Year with an organised desk I’ve got my desk tidy, book stand and file trays all lined up, you can see the surface of my desk and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Let’s face it how long is it going to last but for me if I can find a place to put my various desktop bits and pices, like my scissors, paper clips, staples and stapler maybe I can find a place in this dwindling economy for me, things are looking up.
It’s up to you now check them out, just use the following link http://www.loco.ie and get organised, stock up on your favourite desk top accessories don’t wait for the chaos to hit.
From obvious items like push pins and cutting scissors to the slightly less obvious things like date and office stamps, the extensive range of office supplies at Loco removes the time consuming search from your day, plus watch out for their special offers I am now preparing to keep warm this year with my free snuggie blanket.
It’s all good with Loco Office Supplies!