You Know It Has Been Playing On Your Mind So Here Are 3 Steps To Do So.
An office which is free of clutter and mess is a more productive office. Unfortunately, with the hustle and bustle within busy offices these days, meeting tight deadlines and always being preoccupied it is very easy to let clutter build and overcrowd your workplace. You may be procrastinating about cleaning, perhaps you don’t even know where or how to start. Good thing for you Loco Office Supplies will equip you with the knowledge to do just that.
What Do You Need And What Stays Unused?
Don’t be a hoarder and keep every single thing laying around. Write out a simple list of everything you use over the course of several weeks. Back to basics like do you need a notepad and pens? Of course, your computer is going to be on that list too. What’s left out of that list but remains on your desk or elsewhere could be donated or digitalised.
Set Out A Cleaning Agenda
Have a whiteboard in the office or a calendar pinned to the wall? Set out a cleaning schedule to ensure desks stay clean and dust doesn’t build up on the floor. Rotate the cleaning schedule each week and assign different employees to the task.
Consider Donating Or Taking Home Excess Items
Once you know what needs to stay and what needs to go, separate these into the relevant sections. Those extra cables left laying around you could perhaps take home or donate to a neighbouring office. Or perhaps those extra files could be stored in a filing cabinet instead of being left on your desk.
Don’t keep what doesn’t support your work. Being able to identify the purpose for every item or system in your office space will help with this process. There’s really no room for duplicates. And, if what you need to get rid of cannot be donated there’s always the option of recycling.
- Digitalise what you can and bin or file the print versions. You don’t need business cards of clients or employees if you add them on LinkedIn.
- Promotional free products you received at seminars or various events are no match for awards or certificates of achievement. Prioritise what you really need.
- Consider all in one units such as a machine that offers scanning, printing and fax options. All in one units can save some much needed space in the workplace.
Want More Tips?
Don’t fret, come back next month to read 3 additional tips on how to declutter your office once and for all.
Loco Office Supplies, the number one online platform for all the office supplies you will ever need. Sift through the clutter and pick out the essentials. Until next time, happy shopping!