There’s a good chance you’re going to be spending a lot of time using your office furniture, this makes choosing the best for you important. Whether it’s the comfort of your chair, selecting a desk that’s the right height and size for you, or ensuring you have enough storage easily accessible to stay organised, getting it right could be crucial to your experience of your office space. However, picking the best of everything can get very expensive. The skill lies in striking the best balance between budget and quality.
Below we’ll give you some top tips on what sort of furniture you should be looking at, how to choose the best for you, and where to find it.
Be aware of the space you have
Yes, that executive hardwood desk looks fantastic, but it’s also huge. Think practically when selecting your office furniture, not just stylistically. All office furniture should fit comfortably. When you’re selecting filing cabinets and cupboards, ensure there is plenty of room to open the draws or doors without impeding anyone else.
While this all sounds fairly basic, office furniture, from desks to filing cabinets, all come in a wide variety of sizes, so making the most of the space you have is important. You may want to draw a little plan to help you decide on where everything is going to go, and then you can calculate the amount of space you have in different areas.
Selecting the right desk for you
While aesthetics is important, practicality should be your top priority when selecting a desk. Ask yourself some relevant questions before making your choice, such as whether your furniture is suitable for all the intended uses, whether it has enough storage for your needs, whether there is plenty of leg room for you to work and move comfortably, and will it be low maintenance?
These questions are just the general questions everyone should ask themselves, there may well be specific needs you have because of your role. Take time to consider how you will use the desk, and then decide on a short list of must-haves in order for your desk to work for you.
Keep your costs down
Whether your having an office fit out of your existing space, or are moving to a completely new office, we all like to keep our costs to a minimum. Top quality office furniture isn’t cheap, and cheap office furniture isn’t always available at the lowest price. Speaking to an expert about the type of furniture you want is a great way to ensure you get durable and affordable office furniture.
It’s rare that the lowest price offers the best value for money, as the quality is usually considerably lower. However, there are plenty of desks and filling cabinets that offer excellent value for money.
Minimise aches and pains
If every time you turn around you whack your knee it’s going to get under your skin pretty quickly. Ensuring your office furniture has the correct ergonomics for you is important. A desk that is too high or low can lead to bad posture, as can a non-supportive chair. Both of these will lead to back and neck pain, as well as a long list of other aches due to your continued awkward posture. Filing cabinets and storage solutions with heave clunky draws can lead to excessive exertion while bent at awkward angles, which is an injury just waiting to happen.
Comfort is critical
Being comfortable in your work environment is of the utmost importance. Not only will you be more productive and efficient, but you’ll also be able to perform your job better while being happier. Comfort is one of those things you never worry about, unless it isn’t there. We’re all quick to notice when something is uncomfortable, but well selected furniture will perform exactly as you expect, so there’s no need to think about it after the initial selection.
Will your office have a theme or style?
Many companies like their office to reflect the brand in some way. Whether they use colour schemes, furniture, or floor tiles, your office furniture can also be incorporated. You can use the colour of your seats or the name tags used in the draws of filing cabinets. Maybe you want a predominant type of material to be used in your office. Some companies like to incorporate as many exposed natural products as possible, whether that’s wood, metal, or concrete.
Don’t spend for the sake of it
You may well have some office furniture in your existing set-up that will work well with the other new furniture. Whether it’s the bins under every desk, a selection of filing cabinets, or a boardroom table, recycling some of your old office furniture and adding it your new office fit out will save you money and hassle.
Could you work more efficiently?
Just because you have 4 desks and 3 large filing cabinets doesn’t mean that’s what you should get this time. Would you work better with four desks and smaller personal filing cabinets? Are desks going to be assigned to an individual or will they be shared? Where are filing cabinets and storage cupboards going to be stored without being an eyesore, or will that hamper the way you work?
Get all your questions answered by professionals
Making sure you make the most of your budget, nit just in a practical way, but also in relation to quality, will ensure your desks, filing cabinets, and chairs are all still going strong for many years to come. If you can incorporate your brand into your furniture, and add a bit of colour and energy, then even better.
The easiest way to do this is to ask for help from experienced professionals that not only have a comprehensive understanding of what’s available at your budget, but will also want to know how you work, so they can tailor an office furniture solution that works for you, will last, and comes in at the right price, desks, filing cabinets and all.
Give us a call at Loco today to discover how we can help you get better value for money on your office furniture.