There are 4 ways in which you can kickstart a recycling trend in your work place. If a business wants to initiate a recycling campaign, it has more success of succeeding if it comes form the top. It should be seen as an overall policy that is actively encouraged by management. Highlight the benefits of recycling at work to your colleagues and bosses.
1) Â Â Benefits to your business
- It’s easy to set up and run
- It saves space and can reduce clutter
- It’s cost effective and can save your company money
- It reduces waste going to landfill, saves energy and helps tackle climate change
- People also like to be able to recycle at work as they can at home.
2) Â Â Find a local recycling service provider
- Find a local recycling service provider in your area and crate a list of companies who can fulfil your waste material needs
3) Â Â Setting up a recycling scheme
To ensure that everyone is aware of the recycling scheme, you may want to consider:
- Hosting a recycling day or event to launch the new recycling scheme to employees. For example, hold a desk recycling amnesty to encourage staff to recycle as much as they can from their desks.
- Train staff to recognise and understand the different materials that can and cannot be included in your recycling collection
- Put a list or poster above your recycling containers identifying what can be recycled to make sure that correct items are being recycled in the correct way.
- Position containers in a convenient location to make it as easy to recycle items as it is to throw them away
- For posters to promote your recycling scheme, visit www.recyclenowpartners.org.uk
4) What else can you do?
- Save paper by only printing out what you really need. Also print double sided so less paper is wasted.
- Re-use scrap paper for notes
- Help charities by recycling a work. Many of them will be delighted to collect your old mobile phones, computer equipment, stamps and printer cartridges. These can all raise funds for charities.
- If your company is interested in taking further environmental measures, visit the Carbon Trust website at http://www.carbontrust.co.uk/solutions/
Source: www.recyclenow.com