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5 Reasons Great Office Furniture Increases Productivity

Great office furniture is one of the first steps in boosting your office’s productivity, read these 5 reasons how you can achieve this:

  1. Organisation

For an office to work effectively it needs to be well designed and well organised.  It needs great office furniture to house and organise all the various office supplies, devices and materials, as well as providing ample work stations for each employee.

A productive office needs furniture to provide the right amount of shelving units, filing systems, desks, lockers, chairs, for efficient work stations.  Office storage that can empower employees to organise and access all their office supplies and materials in a clear and efficient way.

In addition, a productive office needs the great office furniture arranged in an optimum way that the layout allows clear movement throughout the office.  Allowing ample space for each employee to be able to work at their work stations and fully concentrate on their work to be as productive as possible.

Office organisation is a clear winner when it comes to boosting and promoting employee productivity, and great office furniture is an easy way to achieve this.


  1. Comfort

Comfort is another essential step in creating a productive office space.  Having great office furniture automatically means that it is ergonomically designed with optimum comfort in mind.  First of all, chairs will need to be designed with the person in mind, with a balance of soft cushion, strong support, adjustable height, and a built in back support that allows the greatest amount of comfort throughout long hours of sitting in such a well designed chair.

Likewise, desks need to be the right height and dimensions to allow a comfortable working environment both ergonomically and having enough room to do work productively.  Having all the office furniture designed with the person’s comfort in mind, ensures that people can work better and more efficiently for longer, increasing productivity and boosting company profits.

As well as the physical furniture being very comfortable, the office environment needs to be very clean and hygienic for employees to have a great degree of comfort in their working environment.  The more work comfort, the greater chance of creating an optimum and sustainable environment for productivity.


  1. Visual Design

People can be very inspired about the visual aesthetics of any environment.  This is especially so when they need to be efficient and productive.  Having a visually attractive environment which is well designed is key.  Where there is a strong sense of style and visual design can really increase people’s motivation and inspiration for getting work done.

A sense of pride of place and attractive visual design in the office layout can be achieved by great office furniture.  In addition to great office furniture that is visually well designed, it is a great benefit to productivity if the office has attractive wall art and complimentary colour tones.  Having a nice visual environment can create the right atmosphere for greater inspiration, motivation and by default greater productivity.


  1. Ambiance

Once the level of organisation, comfort and visual design is achieved it can build the foundational requirements for a productive environment.  The next step is building the right office ambiance to best promote a good work mood.

Apart from the right physical space, lighting can greatly add to the atmosphere created.  The office should be clearly visible and optimum to work in, while also avoiding tones of light that are garish or harsh.  Getting the right balance of light is key

For a positive work ambiance, the most important factor is the right emotional and social environment that encourages a fun and positive work space.  Empowering people to feel free to express themselves, sharing their ideas and generally work in a positive work space is key for producitivity.

Having management set the right tone and mood of the office is crucial for people to have the best emotional space to contribute their best.  Stress stifles creativity and slows the thought process down, so try to avoid a debilitating environment that crushes creativity and innovation as your business will suffer and staff turnover can be higher.

Instead provide a very welcoming open, honest and supportive environment that helps empower each employee to contribute their very best and give 110%.  The right ambiance will incredibly provide the right environment for optimum productivity, once employees physical space is comfortable and efficient to work in.


  1. Social space

Along with the right ambiance, there needs to be a strong collaborative and social space for the most productive ideas and work to come from.  Where each employee can collaborate the best of themselves for the overall benefit of the company will greatly improve your companies innovation and competitive advantage.

In order to achieve the right social space for building team work you need to get great office furniture that enables employees to comfortably work together for sustained periods with the right level of table room, collaborative writing space to map ideas out, comfortable chairs and a generally inspiring space to create the right mood to generate the right level of productivity and ideas needed to drive your business to the next level.

Look at all the best companies in the World that provide empowering and creative social spaces for optimum team work and idea generation and development.  A good social space can provide the optimum team dynamic to best strategize the direction and development of the work that your employees do, which in turn determines your company’s performance and success.

Investment in great office furniture that is well organised, comfortable, attractive, supports work ambiance and team collaboration, can really help boost employee productivity sustainably.

To find out more about great office furniture or indeed great office supplies that will help boost your office productivity, you can see our full catalogue here and contact us here if you need any assistance.